On every 19-20th August in Budapest, Hungary we hold an event for the traditional bread makers. The last few years this festival was just a one day event but this year will be held over 2 days with a lot of new programmes. The main purpose for this KENYÉRLELKE FESTIVAL is a chance for real sourdough bread lovers to meet each other. They can exchange their experinces and views and they can spend time together. The Festival is a family day event with interesting programmes, workshops and stage programmes.
We would like to show how real bread is made with just flour, water and salt. The visitors can see and taste different types of bread.
We will organise a competition in several categories (bread, baguette, croissant, etc) for the amateurs and the professional bakers. The best bakers will receive a diplma from the jury.
We hope this event will be a valuable experince for people who appreciate the genuine bakery products.
József Vajda, Attila Till, Áron Németh - the organizers